
Foto: Maria Kooskora
The Estonian Fund for Nature is an independent non-governmental organisation. In our activities we follow the best known expertise. To implement our activities, we receive financial support from local and (mainly European Union) foreign funds, companies and donations. Our funding sources are public, generally based on project applications and targeted. We have joined the EU Transparency Register and Annetamise Hea Tava.
The following is a list of all the financing funds and sources from which we have received grants and donations since 2010.
The following is a list of all the financing funds and sources from which we have received grants and donations since 2010.
- Private donors
- Donations from companies: Ecoprint, Rimi, Swedbank, Scandagra, Nefab packaging, Twilio, Stockmann, Itella, Playtech and several others have donated.
Local partners
- Open Estonia Foundation
- Integration Foundation
- Environmental Investment Centre (EIC)
- Ministry of Climate
- National Foundation of Civil Society
- Cultural Endowment of Estonia
- Ministry of Finance
- State Forest Management Centre (within the works of conservation holidays)
- The State Shared Service Centre
- Arhimedes SA
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- EKO foundation
- Private companies: Ülemiste Center, NatourEst, Estonian Nature Tours, Rewild, Mobiiliringlus, 360 kraadi, Tallink, SessionLab.
International partners
- Active Citizen Fund
- Birdlife
- Climate Action Network Europe
- EU Grundtvig programme
- Forum Synergies
- European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
- EU LIFE, DEAR, Erasmus+ ja Horizon programs
- European Climate Foundation
- European Solidarity Corps
- European Voluntary Services
- EU Interreg programs
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Michael Succowi Fond
- Pivot Point, A Nonprofit Corporation
- Svenska PostkodStiftelsen (Swedish Postcode Foundation)
- The Stavros Niarchos Foundation
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
- European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA)