
General contacts

Phone: (+372 ) 7428 443, (+372 ) 5557 7785
Address: Staadioni 67, Tartu 51008, Eesti
Registry code: 90001457
Value added tax identification number: EE100792331

Swedbank: EE282200221005100292
SEB: EE691010102001506006

Good to know
People from ELF are often out working in the mire, at sea, in the forest or even their home office. Therefore, please contact us in advance to meet with us at our Tartu office.

Our people

Tarmo Tüür
Tarmo Tüür
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 5341 1020
Tarmo Tüür
Tarmo Tüür
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 5341 1020
Silvia Lotman
Silvia Lotman
Member of the Management Board, Nature Conservation Expert, Head of Forest and Species Conservation Programme
+372 526 2013
Silvia Lotman
Silvia Lotman
Member of the Management Board, Nature Conservation Expert, Head of Forest and Species Conservation Programme
+372 526 2013
Aiki Avi
Aiki Avi
Member of the Management Board, CFO, donation coordinator
+372 5663 5601
Aiki Avi
Aiki Avi
Member of the Management Board, CFO, donation coordinator
+372 5663 5601
Joonas Plaan
Joonas Plaan
Member of the Management Board, climate programme manager, sustainable fisheries project coordinator and expert
+372 5665 2979
Joonas Plaan
Joonas Plaan
Member of the Management Board, climate programme manager, sustainable fisheries project coordinator and expert
+372 5665 2979
Kertu Hool
Kertu Hool
Communcations Manager
+372 5524 782
Kertu Hool
Kertu Hool
Communcations Manager
+372 5524 782
Mariliis Haljasorg
Mariliis Haljasorg
Communication expert (forest, wetlands, biodiversity)
+372 56231633
Mariliis Haljasorg
Mariliis Haljasorg
Communication expert (forest, wetlands, biodiversity)
+372 56231633
Katre Liiv
Katre Liiv
Communication expert (climate and donations)
+372 507 6519
Katre Liiv
Katre Liiv
Communication expert (climate and donations)
+372 507 6519
Jüri-Ott Salm
Jüri-Ott Salm
Wetlands Programme Manager, Promoter of Mire Restoration and paludiculture projects
+372 529 5933
Jüri-Ott Salm
Jüri-Ott Salm
Wetlands Programme Manager, Promoter of Mire Restoration and paludiculture projects
+372 529 5933
Kadri Aller
Kadri Aller
Head of the conservation holidays program, ‘Frogs Off The Road’ project manager, oil spill response project manager
+372 5399 3890
Kadri Aller
Kadri Aller
Head of the conservation holidays program, ‘Frogs Off The Road’ project manager, oil spill response project manager
+372 5399 3890


We protect species and habitats that are native to Estonia. We focus our efforts on where we think help is needed the most – for example, we protect old-growth forests, restore wooded meadows and drained wetlands, rescue migrating frogs from the roads or advocate the positive decisions for biodiversity and climate. Your donation will allow us to do all of this with even greater efficiency.

Get involved

Join us and participate as a conservation volunteer. We offer different ways to do this – for example, you can take part in conservation camps  that restore the habitats of species, clean the sea side in the case of oil spill, increase the biodiversity of your garden, and much more.